About Solomon Davies

I help Childcare center staff, managers, supervisors, leaders, day home operators, and good hearted Childcare entrepreneurs become owners of daycare centers.

Solomon Davies have been involved in real estate and daycare leasing for over 16 years.

He is the founder and owner of Smartway Daycare Brokerage, a daycare specific sales and construction company. www.smartwaybrokerage.com

Solomon is also the founder of Enrollment on demand, a daycare focused marketing agency. www.enrollmentondemand.com

Recently, he established his partnership brand, Eduplay Academy. It is a brand of Childcare centers, starting with the first three in Edmonton. www.eduplayacademy.com

Childcare Entrepreneur is the cumulation of his trails, failures, and successes as a daycare sales person, builder and consultant. As well as the transactions process of the dozens of childcare centers that he has brokered.

Solomon Davies has a Bachelor of Education from the university of Alberta.

Free- 6 Videos Series to Become a Childcare Entrepreneur with Other Peopleā€™s Money